
Northside Charter High School was authorized and granted a charter in 2009 from the Board of Regents of the State of New York as part of the Believe High School Network. The focus at Northside Charter High School was student achievement and outcomes leading to graduation and successful entry into higher education opportunities.

In early 2012, six new board members were added, and former board members resigned, and standing committees were created. In May 2012, the Board of Trustees of Northside Charter High School terminated its contract with Believe Network. In 2014, the School was granted a second charter term by NYSED extending through June 30, 2017. On March 13, 2017, the School was granted a third charter term extending through June 30, 2022.

As part of the strategic plan to meet educational, financial, organizational, and governance goals, the Board of Trustees revised its organizational structure to include an executive director in 2013. The executive director was hired to build and manage a high-performing team that is able to support Northside Charter High School in its mission and deliver transformational educational outcomes for students.

In late 2016, we embarked upon a new strategic planning process to accompany our then anticipated third charter renewal. When we received our third charter renewal from NYSED for a five-year term in Spring 2017, we created a set of metrics and initiatives to go from “good” to “great”. What resulted is a five-year strategic plan which will strengthen our outcomes for students, create an environment that is nurturing for students and staff alike, and build upon the strong governance, financial, and operational foundation that NCHS has worked so hard to create.

As we approach the 2020-21 school year, the school has again endured many organizational challenges and proven to have resilience in programming and oversight, but continue to work towards many of the goals from our previous 5-year strategic plan. We have engaged with expert support for both the Board and also the School Leadership Team, and worked to develop structures and systems that will bring NCHS to the next level when developing and implementing the plan for the next charter term. Key aspects of this process have included diving deep into our academic systems, focusing on the next level of data-driven instruction to ensure that all students have an inclusive environment that is tailored to their needs to be successful both in high school and beyond. 

To do this with fidelity, we have worked to make organizational shifts in our Org Chart that will support additional coaching and development of staff, allow for School Operations to be lifted from the academic team, and developing professional development protocols and training that is focused on supporting all students more inclusively; this includes initiatives to increase rigor and alignment of academic programs to student needs and deficits and also provide additional supports to students through lowered teacher: student ratios, additional teaching models, online learning opportunities, and development of our overall program.

School Profile 2024-2025

Staff and Administration

School Snapshot

School Culture and Community

Academic Culture

A grade of 70/100 is required to pass a class and earn credit

As a NYSED charter school, NCHS students are required to earn 44 credits and complete testing requirements established by the New York State Board of Regents

Advanced Placement Courses: English Language and Composition, and English Language and Literature

All students take Latin or Spanish to fulfill their foreign language requirements